Monday, October 28, 2019

Writing an excellent outcome Essay Example for Free

Writing an excellent outcome Essay Always remember that the experiences and outcomes should have an impact on classroom practice and learning. The outcomes should not be written in the form of assessment criteria, nor should they constrain learning. Every outcome should therefore be tested against the following criteria: 1. It should express learning that is clear to the teacher, and where possible the young person. This will promote the application of formative assessment strategies. 2. It should indicate the purpose of the outcome and/or direct the selection of learning activities for all children and young people. 3. It should allow evaluation of the outcome. In other words, it should be clear from the outcome what evidence might be observed to demonstrate progress by the child or young person. Also bear in mind that there is no intention to produce an elaborated curriculum. Outcomes should therefore offer and support opportunities for enrichment and development for those young people with additional support needs who may not progress beyond the first levels. As you complete blocks of work a further test is to consider the extent to which you have prioritised and simplified existing guidance and to ask yourself if any changes are robust and justifiable. As a general rule outcomes should begin with the ‘I can’ stem. Experiences describe purposeful and worthwhile tasks, activities or events that contribute to motivation, personal development and learning. As a general rule they should be signalled using the ‘I have’ stem. The following additional general parameters will help you get started. †¢ Simplification and prioritisation should result in time and space being made to operate the seven principles of curriculum design. For example, teachers should have time for greater depth of study, to introduce topics or ideas in a relevant context or to respond to local events or circumstances and to ensure progression. †¢ Assume your outcomes can be taught within the time allocations typically applied in schools at present.   Some outcomes should ask young people to draw together, consolidate and synthesise their earlier learning in some way e. g. by summarising, generalising or applying earlier learning.   You should aim to embed cross-curricular aspects, including skills, within the outcomes. To help you a cross curricular skills set is being identified. The’ Core Skills’ of Communication, Numeric, Information Technology, Problem Solving and Working with Others are part of the National Qualifications framework. In due course the two sets will be assimilated. Skills will be embedded in the outcomes using the skills reference set.   Progression within and between levels will be indicated through the chosen content or context. During the next stage you will be refining the outcomes and experiences in light of feedback and these will be built up into a database. This is under development, and may include the following fields: Curriculum area and level, Outcomes, Links with the 4 capacities, Links with cross-cutting themes, Links with other curriculum areas and Links with the skills set. There will be important work to ensure that cross-curricular aspects including skills development are being addressed in a consistent and coherent way across the entire curriculum. The quality assurance process Please remember that until final versions of the guidelines are prepared, all work is ‘works in progress and therefore subject to scrutiny and change. While work is in preparation for engagement it should be treated with an appropriate level of confidentiality. Opportunities will be found to bring all writers together from time to time to compare notes on progress to allow debate and challenge and to ensure everyone feels supported as part of a bigger team.

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