Monday, September 30, 2019

Environmental Degradation In Rural Bangladesh Environmental Sciences Essay

IntroductionToday, as people in developed states by and large enjoy a high criterion of life, at the other terminal of the spectrum, the hapless in developing states are fighting to do ends meet. 22 % of the population in developing states live on less than $ 1.25 day-to-day and 75 % of these people live in rural countries ( The World Bank, 2012 ) . This group of rural hapless are the greatest victims of environment debasement. In this essay, by looking at the instance survey of Bangladesh, we will acquire a deeper penetration into why the hapless puts great force per unit area on the environment. In bend, we will bring out why environmental debasement affects the hapless most badly ensuing in the support of environmental debasement. Thereafter, we will research some possible steps to assist developing counties like Bangladesh to interrupt out from the barbarous rhythm of poorness and environmental debasement.Environmental effects of poornessAlthough bulk of research workers have att ributed poorness as a cardinal factor for doing environmental debasement, we have to observe that other factors such as net income motivations, and institutional failures are besides responsible for environmental debasement. Nevertheless unlike other factors, poorness and environmental debasement portions a alone relationship that causes them to reenforce each other in a barbarous rhythm. We would first look at how poverty causes environmental debasement. In Bangladesh more than 40 % of the population lives below the international poorness line and are vulnerable to nutrient insecurity and natural catastrophe ( Aid Effectiveness, 2009 ) . 85 % belong to the rural hapless ( Drakenberg, 2006 ) . Bangladesh faces a series of environmental jobs including deforestation, land debasement, air pollution, H2O deficit and taint, every bit good as loss of biodiversity. The hapless drama a critical function in act uponing these facets of environmental debasement. First, poorness leads to deforestation. The bing natural woods in Bangladesh are diminishing at a rate changing from 2.1 % /year to 3.3 % /year ( Rahman, 2012 ) . This is due to development of forest resources for commercial logging, fuel wood aggregation every bit good as agricultural land enlargement. Commercial logging provides a feasible income for the hapless as the timber logs could be sold for hard currency. This pecuniary benefit could promote more trees to be felled ensuing in unsustainable deforestation. Bangladesh has a high birthrate rate, due to want for more kids to assist in the Fieldss and for societal support in old age. The turning population requires more trees would hold to be felled to supply fuel for their cookery demands. There will besides be a demand to increase nutrient production for the larger population doing big piece of lands of forest to be cleared and converted into agricultural land for turning of harvests. Deforestation, with loss of forest screen i s responsible for dirt eroding and loss of fertile top dirt decreases agricultural productiveness. Second, poorness contributes to set down debasement. Land debasement arises due to dirty exhaustion, salinization and desertification. Similarly, due to population growing with poorness, multiple cropping with a shorter fallow period was done to increase nutrient supply. To increase land productiveness, husbandmans use fertilisers, pesticides and weedkillers to a great extent. These methods of intensive land usage may be effectual in increasing agricultural end product in the short term. However in the long tally the dirt would bit by bit lose its foods, land is degraded and desertification creeps in. Though irrigation is helpful in guaranting stable H2O supply for harvests all twelvemonth unit of ammunition, mismanaged irrigation due to miss of cognition of rural husbandmans could ensue in contrary osmosis and accretion of salt ( Duraiappah, 1996 ) . This causes a recoil and dirt productiveness beads. Third, poorness affects H2O resource. Irrigation reduces land H2O which may ensue in a H2O deficit if there is deficient H2O for the big rural population. In the north-western portion of Bangladesh, aquifer degree of land H2O was lowered when extraction of land H2O for irrigation is non adequately recharged and coupled with high rate of vaporization ( Mahbuba Nasreen, 2006 ) . Furthermore, Bangladesh faces job of H2O taint due to fertilisers and pesticide run-off from the farming areas. In 2002, more than the 65 % of the state ‘s population were at hazard of arsenic toxic condition. 61 of the 64 territories had arsenic degrees which were found to be above the national recognized criterion of 0.05 mg/litre ( Mahbuba Nasreen, 2006 ) . Last, poorness contributes to air pollution. The hapless depend on biomass and firewood for fuel. The combustion of these fuels degrades the air quality and can do respiratory jobs. Although there are utility fuels which are less harmful to the environment, the hapless have yet to derive entree to them and may non be able to afford. Furthermore, due to a deficiency of instruction, the rural hapless may non hold the cognition on how to protect their life environment. They extract more resources from the wood to run into the demands of the turning population, non taking into consideration the outwardness cost of resource loss since entree to the wood is free and unrestricted. To them, the immediate demands are of precedence and they do n't be given to be after far for the hereafter due to the uncertainnesss of life. As a consequence, the hapless have no scruples about the unsustainable land usage patterns and deficiency vision for long-run optimum resource direction. This mentality is damaging to the long term sustainability of environmental resources and unplanned usage of resources is likely to ensue in environment debasement. The mentality of the hapless has led to loss of biodiversity where vegetation and zoology every bit good as wetlands are overuse. In Bangladesh, inland and coastal gaining control piscarie s have declined and about 30 % of inland fish species have become endangered ( Drakenberg, 2006 ) .Environmental debasement reinforce poornessFirst, the rural hapless are most vulnerable to environmental debasement because they rely to a great extent on the delicate natural resources for their day-to-day life. 55 % of rural adult females work as husbandmans in the field, and they rely on the environment for fuel wood, nutrient and H2O. Desertification is damaging to the hapless as it affects their supply of basic demands from forest resources. Over extraction of H2O for irrigation leads to take downing of land H2O degree and H2O becomes salinized, doing a terrible deficit of imbibing water.In Bangladesh, rural adult females are responsible for roll uping fuel wood, H2O and nutrient for household ingestion from wood. Deforestation and H2O deficit causes shrink in nutrient and H2O handiness and adult females have to work harder and travel further to seek for resources. This digesting undertaking is demanding on their wellness and scarceness of nutrient could take to malnutrition ( Jahan, 2008 ) . The hapless being reliant on natural resources for basic demands and agricultural land for nutrient, is offered barely any nutrient security due to the delicate nature of the natural environment. When their agricultural land becomes less fertile due unachievable land usage patterns, the household ‘s income is drastically reduced ; the hapless remain in their barbarous rhythm of poorness and their basic demands and nutrition could be compromised. Similarly near the coastal countries, the hapless rely on wetlands for gaining control piscary as their chief beginning of nutrient and income. With the devastation of wetlands for transition to shrimp cultivation country, it drastically reduces the vulnerable nutrient supply of the hapless and increased salt over coastal land endangers their wellness. Second, environmental debasement affects the hapless most badly as they are the group that continues to populate in topographic points confronting land debasement as these polluted countries are cheaper to populate in. Bing unable to afford to travel to a better land, the hapless are exposed to Arsenic pollution from contaminated H2O beginnings ( Mahbuba Nasreen, 2006 ) . The World Health Organization ( WHO ) estimated that, 37 million people in developing states suffer chronic toxic condition due to exposure to toxic pesticides from working in Fieldss that use chemical fertilisers and pesticides extensively ( Jahan, 2008 ) . The hapless besides have to do make with cheaper beginning of fuel for cookery and warming. Burning fuel wood and droppings causes respiratory infections impacting adult females and kids, doing child mortality.Barbarous rhythm of poorness and environment debasementBeginning: Poverty and environment, 2000, Figure 9.2 Vicious Cycle of Poverty and Environment Degra dation in Developing States, pp. 201. As seen in the context of Bangladesh, husbandmans distressed by population growing and increasing poorness overexploit natural resources and widen cropping onto delicate fringy lands which consequences in a loss of sustainability and environmental debasement. Decline in agricultural productiveness on debauched lands so triggers poverty which in bend forced many husbandmans to go on degrading their land farther to pull out subsistence end product ( Duraiappah, 1996 ) . Overtime, this phenomenon creates the ‘vicious circle ‘ between poorness and environmental debasement as seen in the diagram above. Urbanization further aggregative environmental debasement and worsen life of the rural hapless. Government may apportion more financess to back up the turning industry of technology, electronics and information engineering which would bring forth more income for the economic system ( United Nations ESCAP, 2010 ) . Conversely, the agribusiness sector would have less financess and work force is reduced with immature work forces traveling to work in urban countries. This leaves behind the aged and adult females to pull off the fringy agricultural lands. Urbanization causes air pollution from vehicular and industrial emanations, loss of biodiversity from human intervention to natural home grounds and deforestation which contributes to planetary heating. The hapless at the having terminal become victims to these jobs. In many developing states, authoritiess by and large do non turn to the sustainability issues if there is small public force per unit area and they find no political wagess in heightening environmental quality. Nevertheless for developing states to accomplish environmental sustainability, support from the authorities is decidedly indispensable. As highlighted, the hapless are the biggest victims of environmental debasement ; conversely poorness can worsen ecological jobs. To guarantee long term environmental sustainability, possible steps needs to aim poverty relief and environmental direction.Possible steps to accomplish sustainable developmentBeginning: National sustainable development scheme, 2008, Figure 3.1 conventional representation of the vision, strategic precedence countries and cross-cutting countries, pp. 6. In 2008, Bangladesh ‘s authorities came out with a national sustainable development scheme ( NSDS ) to steer the state towards relieving poorness and environmental jobs. As shown in the tabular array above, the scheme aims to accomplish sustainable development by guaranting sustainable economic growing, agricultural and rural development, societal security and environment direction ( DOE, 2008 ) . Having sustainable economic growing means to speed up growing while guaranting environmental sustainability. Bangladesh strives to guarantee economic growing with higher private investing, increased influx of FDIs and effectual trade policies ( DOE, 2008 ) . It includes the agricultural sectors in the economic advancement by supplying them with electricity, roads, and telecommunications to better connectivity with urban countries. One possible way for sustainable economic growing is to advance investing in renewable energy beginnings such as solar energy, weave energy and hydroelectricity. Bangladesh has abundant sunlight twelvemonth unit of ammunition, air current and high energy moving ridges ; this can bring forth net incomes and cut down air pollution from fuel combustion ( M. S. Islam, 2011 ) . Agricultural and rural development steps guarantee nutrient security for the turning population without doing environment debasement. Crop productiveness can be increase with agriculture variegation and improved engineerings. To cut down trust on irrigation and lower hazard of salinization, storage of surface H2O is enhanced and rainwater harnessed. To forestall omission of marine piscaries resource, fishing is regulated avoid over development. To heighten forest biodiversity, forest protected country could be extended and rural folks could be educated with cognition on sustainable resource usage ( DOE, 2008 ) . Social security is achieved with sanitation, shelter and authorization through instruction. It involves proviso of lodging installations, clean imbibing H2O, electricity, medical services and guaranting nutrient security for all ( DOE, 2008 ) . Additionally, primary and secondary instruction is made available and compulsory for all, enabling authorization of the hapless. Environment direction protects the environment and its resources. To pull off H2O deficit and taint, H2O preservation is encouraged and pollution beginnings are identified and managed. Loss of biodiversity is addressed by supervising unsustainable ingestion of biological resources. Besides, scientific and traditional cognition are to be integrated to efficaciously conserve the ecosystem. Most significantly, environmental sustainability considerations need to be integrated in policies refering forest, H2O, land, agribusiness, industry and energy ( DOE, 2008 ) .DecisionAs discussed, poorness and environmental debasement has close interlinks and reenforce each other. Poverty is a cardinal lending factor to assorted environmental jobs of deforestation, land debasement, air and H2O pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Consequently, environmental debasement has the greatest impact on the hapless, doing them to be of all time more vulnerable and holding to further degrade the environment to run into their basic demands and guarantee endurance. To accomplish sustainable development in developing states like Bangladesh, possible steps would hold to aim both poverty relief and environmental sustainability. Likewise these steps would work best if backed by strong authorities support and decently planed and organized. Bangladesh ‘s detailed NSDS shows a strong committedness to work out environmental issues and guarantee a better criterion of life for current and future coevals. However, it is still excessively early to find the effectivity of the schemes ; clip will state if Bangladesh is able to interrupt free from the barbarous rhythm of poorness and environmental debasement.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Kim’s TimeLine Essay

There was a time when textbooks, a chalkboard, a set of encyclopedias, and a map of the world were considered teaching aids; boy how times have changed.   Today all we have to do is flip on a computer, and the world comes to us in a matter of seconds.   In today’s modern world teachers have access to an almost infinite amount of information.   There are so many websites out there that cater strictly to educators, and their students. For example, one website that seems to be getting a lot of attention from teachers and their students, is one that a teacher created herself; her name is Kim.   I will explore her website, along with other teaching aid websites, and see how they rate against hers.   First of all let’s start with a basic outline of my research paper, and in what manner we are going to address the following questions: Explain the method of Kim’s TimeLine? Give a critique of Kim’s ideas, and how they relate to the TimeLine? List the advantages of Kim’s Time Line, from a student’s point of view? List the disadvantages of Kim’s TimeLine, from a student’s point of view. Introduce other teaching aid websites, along with journal articles, and how they measure up to Kim’s TimeLine? Give an objective conclusion of the researched material?   The purpose of this research paper is to focus on these six questions. Explain the method of Kim’s TimeLine?   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When you click onto Kim’s TimeLine, a picture of a chalkboard, and an idiom: Kim’s Korner for Teacher Talk, along with a yellow sun, pops onto your computer screen.   Then in large black letters the following slogan grabs your attention: IDEAS FOR TEACHING THE WRITING PROCESS.   Kim then introduces five steps of her writing process: Prewriting, Writing, Revising, Editing, Proofreading, and Publishing.   The webpage also includes General Ideas For Teaching the Writing Process, such as: Writing Process Timeline, The Writing Process, Implementing the Writing Process, Sample Listing of Specific Writing Strategies (for each step), Ten Ways to Emphasize the Writing Process.   (Writing Process 2006) Give a Critique of Kim’s Ideas and How They Relate to the TimeLine?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To be honest with you, I really enjoyed browsing over Kim’s TimeLine website, and     found it to be non-threatening.   The information was laid out in an extremely simplistic manner, and I could actually picture students, along with their instructors, using and benefiting from the information that this teaching aid provides. List the Advantages of Kim’s TimeLine, From a Students Point of View?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As I already mentioned, the TimeLine is incredibly easy to operate.   If you view the TimeLine through a student’s eyes, you will appreciate how the website makes you feel totally comfortable, and non-intimidated, in regards to the information that the TimeLine is trying to convey to you as a student. Before I began this research paper, I have to admit that I was filled with a certain amount of anxiety, and stress; I wondered if I’d do a satisfactory job.   But then to my delight, I noticed that Kim’s TimeLine had a section that dealt with apprehension, and worry.   Her coping strategies with writing anxiety goes as follows: Focus your energy by rehearsing the task in your head. Consciously stop the non-productive comments running through your head by replacing them with productive ones. If you have some â€Å"rituals† for writing success, use them. (Kim’s TimeLine 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   So stepping into a student’s shoes, I put her coping tactics to the test; and guess what?   They actually worked.   I honestly thought that the TimeLine, like the majority of website based teachers’ aids was going to be extremely hard to understand.   Either that, or it was going to be some archaic method of teaching.   Without sounding like some cheesy infomercial, I’m glad that I was wrong, and would strongly recommend the TimeLine to both students, and their teachers. List the Disadvantages of Kim’s TimeLine, From a Students Point of View?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Once again I put my feet into a student’s shoes, and tried especially hard to find the tiniest amount of a blemish with Kim’s web-sight, but was unsuccessful in my efforts.   The only flaw I could find, didn’t involve the content of her TimeLine, but instead, how long her website address is: address: Introduce Other Teaching Aid Websites, Along With Journal Articles, And How They Measure Up To Kim’s TimeLine?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As this assignment mentions in its instructions, the internet provides you with so much information that you must develop a discriminating taste when it comes to the value of a website.   I totally concur with this assertion, and acknowledge that there is an endless amount of   facts and figures over the internet.   But how does this relate to Kim’s TimeLine?   Well in accordance to the assignment’s instructions I have chosen five teachers’ aids websites, and will evaluate them.   I will also distinguish how these websites measure up to Kim’s TimeLine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first website is called â€Å"Free†Ã‚   I found this website to be formless and vague, kind of like a big budget movie with a plot that goes nowhere.   ( 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second website was simply titled, â€Å"Teachers’ Aids†.   This website was similar to Kim’s TimeLine.   It was non-intimidating, and from a student’s perspective, they will appreciate the fact that it is straightforward, and to the point.   But nevertheless, as far as a writing tool goes, I would still have to put Kim’s TimeLine above this one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The third website I chose was Java Applets for Teaching of AstroPhysics.   Demonstrating the contrast between Kim’s TimeLine, and this website, would be like comparing apples and oranges; they’re entirely diverse.   Astrophysics is not my cup of tea, however, if it was, I would urge those who plan a career in this field to definitely click onto this website.   It has an easy to follow table of contents, along with an uncomplicated simple to follow outline.   Key words are highlighted, and accompanied with a unproblematic definition.   (JK’s Applets for Teaching Astrophysics 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fourth website is called â€Å"Classic Teaching Resources†, and deals with mnemonics, and other little tricks of the trade to help you as a student, memorize course material.   It focuses on: grammar, music, dates and other numbers, and association and other subjects.   The site was started by David Parsons, he articulates: â€Å"As a former teacher of Latin, Greek and Classical Civilization for nearly 25 years I have accumulated much teaching material to share, and also know what I would have liked readily available.   This site is a small contribution to the teaching of classical subjects.†Ã‚   (Classic Latin Greek Teaching Aids 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fifth, and last website I will compare to Kim’s TimeLine is termed Parliament : Teachers’ centre.   Like the first website, â€Å"Free†, I found it to be unclear, and for lack of a better term, some what indistinct.   It offers an index of topics, so that you can select a subject that is to your liking; but that’s about it.   It was designed to educate would be British citizens in attaining their British citizenship credentials.   (Teaching Citizenship Resource Centre and British Citizenship Teaching Aids 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Teaching aids aren’t only getting noticed on the internet, they’re also getting acknowledgment in the mass media, such as magazine articles.   In an influential article, written by Greifner, she reports: â€Å"To help teachers discuss the most current events.   Weekly Reader is also launching electronic Classroom News Breaks this fall.   The e-mailed lesson plans will offer age-appropriate information, reproducible pages, and the web links about significant world news within 24 hours of the event’s occurrence.†Ã‚   (Education week 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another article gives teachers’ an internet â€Å"Book Study† guide: Gary Paulsen: This rich resource has lesson plans and activities for all ages.   Plans include an integrated unit and a PowerPoint guide for creating a survival kit. Teacher Cyber guide – Hatchet This lesson plan contains language arts content standards, student activities and web resources for a study of the book. Hatchet, A well-organized resource divided by book chapter.   Each chapter category has online (and printable) questions for your book study, activities that tie into the chapter themes, writing lessons and vocabulary activities.   (Teaching Prek-8 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The web isn’t the only electronic medium that today’s teachers are using in the classroom.   Video games have made it into our scholarly institutions, as this article declares: Video games teach deductive reasoning, memory, strategies, and often, content area knowledge.   Teachers like Bill Mackenty, a computer specialist at the Edgartown School on Martha’s Vineyard, give praise to Playstation.   It states that with teacher involvement and guidance, video games can be a powerful classroom learning tool.   (Instructor 2006) Objective Conclusion of the Researched Material   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this thesis I have presented you with both facts, and opinions.   In order for me to remain free of any bias, I must end this research paper by equally supporting, and expressing the disadvantages of Kim’s Timeline, and teaching aids like it.   To sum things up I concur that Kim’s TimeLine, and websites like hers are needed in today’s schools; however, like the instructions of this assignment states, â€Å"There is so much information over the internet, that you must develop a discriminating taste, when it comes to the value of a website.† References Greifner.   L.   (2006.   September 27)   .   Weekly Reader Gets New Look.   Education Week  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  26 Mitchell.   K.   (2006.   September )   .   Getting to the Heart of a Story.   Teaching PreK-8   66-66. Instructor.   (2006).   Playing To Learn.   Instructor   116.   22-22 Classic Teaching Resources.   (October 25, 2006).   Classic Latin Greek Teaching Aids.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved October 25, 2006 from the World Wide Web:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   uk/teaching-aids.php Free   (October 25, 2006).   Educators Progress Service, Inc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved October 25, 2006 from the World Wide Web:http://www.freeteaching   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   aids. Com Java Applets for Teaching of AstroPhysics.   (October 25, 2006).   JK’s Applets for   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Teaching Astrophysics.   Retrieved October 25, 2006 from the World Wide Web:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Kim’s Korner for Teacher Talk.   (October 25, 2006).   Writing Process.   Retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   October 25, 2006 from the World Wide Web:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   /handouts/gl_anxiety.html Parliament : Teachers’ centre.   (October 25, 2006).   Teaching Citizenship Resource   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Centre and British Citizenship Teaching Aids.   Retrieved October 25, 2006 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the World Wide Web: Teacher’s Aids.   (October 25, 2006).   MFL 195: Teachers’ Aids.   Retrieved October 25,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2006 from the World Wide Web:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   html

Saturday, September 28, 2019

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

A lot of parents stress over the choice of deciding wither or not to vaccinate their children. The reason why deciding to vaccinate children is so difficult is due to the wide range of myths and side effects that are connected with vaccinations. Examples of myths spread to parents all over the United States is that the diseases don’t even exist anymore, rumors of vaccinations weakening a child’s immune system, and the risk of a child becoming autistic due to thimerisol in vaccinations causing autism. Side effects also scare parents out of getting their children vaccinated like brain damage, seizures, or allergic reactions. But then parents are pulled back to the thought of the possibility of their child or children catching a very serious life threatening disease. Any of these terrible things occurring in a child’s life makes it very easy for a parent to steer clear of the whole situation, and in ending result, not get their child vaccinated. When children aren’t vaccinated, they are left defenseless against diseases like hepatitis B, measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio, pertussis (whooping cough),   rubella, and more. All these diseases have the ability to easily kill a child within days, and if it weren’t for the vaccines protection over many children in the United States, the spread of these diseases would travel rapidly. There are a lot of people that do not recommend or get vaccinations for children because they think it is unnecessary to vaccinate for a disease that is no longer around. But let’s look at the big picture. If everyone stopped getting the vaccinations what would happen? Todd Neale from Medpage today inquires in San Diego 2008, â€Å"  Although the rate of two-dose immunization against measles was 95% in the area, a single case of measles from a 7-year-old child returning from overseas sparked an outbreak that exposed 839 people and sickened 11 other children†. If those 839 people weren’t protected with strong immune systems or vaccinations, there would have been a drastic dilemma. This is a perfect example of how fast a disease can get out of control. When parents think that its o. k. not to vaccinate because the diseases aren’t around anymore, they are really relying on other children who are vaccinated to keep their own children healthy, which is a gamble. In other words, According to the Children’s hospital of Philadelphia, if the immunizations rates drop only a little bit, outbreaks of diseases would sweep across the country rapidly. Another reason parents don’t want to vaccinate is because of the rumor of he vaccinations weakening children’s immune system. According to the Children’s hospital of Philadelphia â€Å"If 11 vaccines were given to infants at one time (which they aren’t), then about 0. 1 percent of the immune system would be used up, but because B cells and other lymphocytes are constantly replenished, a vaccine never really uses up a fraction of the immune system. For example, the immune system has th e ability to replenish about 2 billion lymphocytes each day. Also a study in Germany revealed that 496 vaccinated and unvaccinated children who received immunizations within the first three months of life had fewer infections with vaccine-related and unrelated pathogens than the non-vaccinated group. So here is the proof that vaccinations will not affect a child’s immune system. Then there is the big scare of vaccines containing the ingredient thimerisol causing autism in children. According to FDA, thimerosal is a mercury containing preservative found in vaccines that prevents bacterial and fungal growth which might occur with repeated puncture of multi dose vials. A lot of controversy has been held between doctors and parents because of prediction of autism being linked to thimerosal. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccine Safety Datalink, â€Å"Preliminary results from the VSD Thimerosal Screening Study published in 2003 did not find an association between thimerosal exposure and autism risk and recent ecological studies has not found a correlation between thimerosal content of vaccines and autism rates†. Numerous studies by many scientists have been done and prove that Thimerosal and autism are not related. Examples: Vaccine Education Center at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, â€Å"Multiple studies have shown that thimerosal in vaccines does not cause autism†. Another reason people do not get their children vaccinated is because of risks associated with getting the vaccinations. Scary examples of some of the side effects associated with vaccinations include: seizures, brain damage, high fevers and even death. Let’s take the vaccine for hepatitis B as a good example. The Children’s Hospital  of Philadelphia states, â€Å"About one of every 600,000 doses of hepatitis B vaccine is complicated by a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. The symptoms of anaphylaxis are hives, difficulty breathing and a drop in blood pressure. On the other hand, every year about 5,000 people die soon after being infected with hepatitis B virus. According to Car Accident Statistics from Edgar Snyder and Associates,† Each year, lmost 250,000 children are injured in car crashes, meaning nearly 700 kids are harmed every day. But this doesn’t stop people from putting their children in cars. The chicken pox vaccine is another example that side effects are very rare. According to Medic 8, â€Å"A macular or accine rash usually consisting of a few lesions at the injection site is reported in 3% of children and 1% of adolescents. Cases of allergic reactions to children are very low a nd should hold any parent back from getting children vaccinated. So in conclusion, the diseases that vaccines are made to treat are still around, and it is very easy for a disease to spread. Vaccines do not weaken a child’s immune system because of B cells and lymphocytes being constantly replenished by immune system. Numerous studies have been conducted proving that thimerisol does not cause autism. And The risk of a child having a adverse reaction to a vaccine is so low that its safer than driving down the street in a car. Protect your children from deadly diseases, get them vaccinated.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Oral Herpes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oral Herpes - Essay Example Bridges and Shuman noted that these viruses show up anywhere in the body and can spread even if these sores are not visible. Other conditions, such as general illness, fatigue, physical or emotional stress, immunosuppression, trauma or menstruation bring about the outbreak of HSV-1. Â   Signs and Symptoms of the Disease Herpes simplex virus symptoms appear typically as single or multiple blisters that break and leave tender sores around the mouth or affected area (Bridges). The incubation period for the herpes simplex virus 1 averages from 2 to 12 days and its signs and symptoms lasts from two to three weeks with the following manifestations of fever, tiredness, muscle pain and irritability. At the site of infection, pain, burning, tingling and itching appears prior to the emergence and eruption of sores, bumps or blisters (Bridges). According to Davis, the sequence of eruption of clusters of blisters occurs and eventually breaks down rapidly. These blisters appear as tiny, shallow and gray ulcers on top of a red base; they are crusted or scabbed, dry and yellowish. Davis added that at the onset of appearance of the oral sores at the lips, gums, throat, front of the tongue, inside the cheek and roof of the mouth an intense pain is felt that makes eating and drinking difficult for the patient. In som e cases these sores extend down to the chin and neck area or are swollen mildly and may sometimes bleed in the gums. On the other hand, they are also felt as swollen and painful lymph nodes of the neck. Painful throat with

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Role played by Housing in Relation to Urban Regeneration in London Essay

Role played by Housing in Relation to Urban Regeneration in London - Essay Example However, housing in London contributes to urban regeneration indirectly because it has relationships with various other physical, environmental, social, cultural, and economical issues that result to urban regeneration. In London, the contribution of housing towards urban regeneration can be divided into two broad parts; indirectly contributions (housing plus) and direct contributions (Stouten 2010, p. 46). These two types of housing contributions towards urban regeneration has impacts on all levels of regeneration such as national, individual, and local levels.From the year 1850 onwards, the condition of urban poverty in the London’s slums started to draw the interest of most social reformers as well as philanthropists. The social reformers as well as the philanthropists due to the increased urban poverty in London slums started a movement to ensure implementation of social housing, which highly contributed to urban regeneration. Their fast target was one of the biggest and n otorious slums in London known as Devil’s Acre, which is near Westminster (McCarthy 2006, p. 68). This is clear evidence that housing played a vital role towards urban regeneration in London as well as in other countries. The founders of this new social housing movement were George Peabody and Peabody trust who had great impact towards urban regeneration in London.Clearance of slums in London started with all Rochester buildings around the Perkin and Old Pye Streets whose constructions took place in the year 1862.

Sustainable policy for Disneyland Hong Kong Essay

Sustainable policy for Disneyland Hong Kong - Essay Example The whole case comprised of the A and B sections pertaining corporate as well as government decision-making.1. The Walt Disney Corporation aims at establishing a lasting, sustainable constructive environment legacy for Hong Kong, Disney, and future generations. By achieving all this then Walt Disney Corporation will be committed to minimizing the overall impact that would have affected environment and at the same time encouraging as well as activating environmentally responsible way of life for cast members, guest, employees, entuerprenue and private individuals. Notably, Disney aims make sure that water is conserved, energy and ecosystems. This will play a fundamental role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimizing of water and inspire the general public consciousness in support of all effects directly towards environmental sustainability. Disney seeks to understand as it identifies itself with the measures that impact directly or indirectly with the operations as it develops innovative lasting and realistic solutions for countering those impacts. The company also complies with all re gulatory regulations pertaining environment. Finally, the company is fully committed to periodical communications concerning its progress in implementing required policies as well as attaining the set targets. Here are Disneys environmental policies explained. The company has a systematic process aimed at involving the mult-stakeholder; they will be analyzing and evaluating any possible environmental implications that may arise to proposed policies, plans as well as programmes which will be helpful in strategic formulation and planning decision-making. Disney will have to incorporate evaluation of the most important environmental implications that has the possibility of determining the actual scope of the whole environmental report together with its preparations including public participation through

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

FCB Australia Agency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

FCB Australia Agency - Essay Example at run through a haze of corporate and organizational assumptions and goals have been invariably influenced by the relative importance of dynamic event-oriented outcomes including those related to the benchmarking organizational efforts ( . 1.1. Organizational Structure of Draft FCBThe organizational structure of Draft FCB Australia is said to be unique in that it's probably the only organization with a unified agency structure thus delivering its communications services through-the-lines capabilities to a diverse and complex group of clientele. The operational structure in regional agencies like that of Australia and New Zealand is democratically structured with a country head or director in charge. The company's optimal operational structure with the Integration Committee of 35 individuals is headed by a president and a world chief creative officer. Three major tiers can be identified in its managerial and operational hierarchy. The first tier at the top is occupied by the President, the Chief Executive Officer and the Global Chief Creative Officer. Immediately under the above triumvirate comes the layer of Integration Committee Members who assume both executive powers and accountability to the top management (Briggs & Stuart, 2006). Each Committee member is responsible for the design, planning and implementation of the company's integration policy in a few assigned countries. The third tier is occupied by those senior managers whose responsibilities include the planning and execution of strategy. Thus many responsibilities for day-to-day operational management of Draft FCB Australian Agency are assumed by this Integration Committee. Despite the fact that country operations are carried out on an individual unit... FCB Australia Agency Draft way back in 1978 was engaged in direct marketing as an agency and was then known as Kobs & Brady. In the year 1986 it was sold to Ted Bates Worldwide and Howard Draft who was an accounts executive in the company then was passed along to the new management. In 1988 Draft became its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chairman. As a result the Agency was named Kobs & Draft. Again in 1995 the ownership of the Agency was reverted to Draft and was called Draft Direct Worldwide. In 1996, the Interpublic Group of Companies acquired Draft Direct Worldwide. With the merger of the two companies in 2006, Draft FCB became the biggest advertising agency in Chicago. As at present the Agency in Chicago has approximately 11,000 employees and the world-wide offices including the Draft FCB Australia are headed by Howard Draft, as the Executive Chairman, Laurence Boschetto, as the CEO and president, Jonathan Harries, as the Vice Chairman and Global Chief Creative Officer and Neil Miller, CFO. Draft FCB Australia Agency has acquired a unique distinction of being one of the leading advert agencies in the whole country. This unique positron is attributed to its remarkable accounts growth with best of clients. Draft FCB Australia has been successfully orienting itself to meeting not only the challenges posed by its competitors, both small and big, but also been able to achieve an ever expanding growth trajectory in keeping with its global strategy of being creating value through-the-line.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critical Analysis Forms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Analysis Forms - Essay Example 7 State one argument made by the author. Since businesses need to maximize profits and paying lower wages maximizes the profit, more and more American jobs are being outsourced to other countries where wages are lower. 8 Identify the premises and conclusion of the argument. Premises: Businesses need to maximize profits. Paying lower wages maximizes the profit. Conclusion: More and more American jobs are being outsourced to other countries where wages are lower. 9 Is the author's argument valid or invalid, sound or unsound, strong or weak Explain how you determined this. The argument is weak. While it may be true that paying lower wages can help businesses maximize their profits, there are other factors involved, like the quality of work and the productivity of workers. 10 Does the author use moral reasoning If not, explain how you determined this. Yes. At the end of the article, he implicitly stated that the old days were better in that the government was small, taxes lower and families were more caring towards each other. Source 2 Title and Citation: Outsourcing Does Not Harm America Tim Kane, Brett D. Schaefer, and Alison Acosta Fraser. "Outsourcing Does Not Harm America." At Issue: Does Outsourcing Harm America. Ed. Katherine Read Dunbar. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. 1 Identify the principal issue presented by the source. Contrary to popular opinion, outsourcing doesn't harm, but benefits America. 2 Identify any examples of bias presented by the author. If none exist, explain how you determined this. None. Since each point/myth was presented clearly, it was easy to see the reason for each. The writers were able to support each idea with empirical data, not... False dilemma. The writer suggested that Americans have to be economically patriotic and that they should return to the old days when government was small, taxes low and families cared for themselves. This argument set aside the middle ground, failing to consider other factors that might prove helpful and merely using the extremes. The argument is weak. While it may be true that paying lower wages can help businesses maximize their profits, there are other factors involved, like the quality of work and the productivity of workers. None. Since each point/myth was presented clearly, it was easy to see the reason for each. The writers were able to support each idea with empirical data, not relying on people's views but letting the facts speak for themselves. When the writers said that there are 1.9 million more American workers today, they failed to consider or mention the population growth of the country as compared to this data. This could be considered "statistically incorrect." No. I scanned each point made. The writers concentrated on empirical data and veered away from people's opinions or views. There were no issues concerning morality. Most issues were technical in nature. "Landlords also sometimes turn victims of domestic violence out of thei

Monday, September 23, 2019

SOX Section 404 Consulting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SOX Section 404 Consulting - Essay Example Section 404 is the key aspect of SOX; it  highly  demands the external auditors and management of a company to  emphasis  on reporting of financial statements. This  process  turns out to be the most  costly  processes among all requirements laid down by the  legislation  for companies. This is because testing and documenting of paramount automated and  manual  final  financial statements is highly sensitive. Under this section, the Act requires  management  to  avail  an â€Å"internal control  report† together with annual Exchange Act report. The report encompasses the  role  of  management  in putting down the  procedure  and procedures of the internal control system. This is because their  efficiency  dictates the  adequacy  of the financial statements (Ramos, 2008, p 23). This section contains an  assessment  of the company after the financial year, including the  establishment  and maintenance of the control system. The  section  also includes the  level  of  effectiveness  of the control system is reporting the audit scope. The management has to adopt the internal control systems described in international auditing standards. In reference to Apollo Shoes Company, the cost elevation, guidance, and  practice  is taking place. There is a  compilation  of approvals made by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. All this activities ensure there is a fair representation of the shareholders by the management. Significant regulations and guidelines regarding audits of internal control It is  evident  that the internal controls of Apollo Shoes are above average. As a result, there are few recommendations needed to meet the set standards. The company should ensure that all employees  respect  the internal controls in order to meet the set standards. It is  noticeable  that many employees hardly  follow  the set  procedure  to  secure  the asse ts of the company. We also  propose  that the relationship between the internal auditors and  management  is not  healthy; therefore, the audit committee should have a sitting to  resolve  this arising issue. Through this,  company  is going to  enhance  auditors’ independence (Ramos, 2008, p. 23). Risks identified within the company In Apollo Shoes Company, there are few areas open to  risk. This is a result of negligence on the employees. After a detailed evaluation of the company, it is  evident  that Apollo Shoes is a company that has identified itself in terms of quality control systems. This is a  complement  that goes to the internal auditors. However, there are gaps which may lead to material misrepresentation in the financial statements. One of the key areas is the procedure followed in completing a transaction. For a company to  prevent  Ã¢â‚¬Å"ghost transactions,† there should be many signatories between initiation and comp letion of a transaction. An  ideal  example  is when a potential buyer places an order; the party receiving the  notice  should be different from that processing the  order. The party processing the  order  should be different from the party arranging the  dispatch, and  lastly  the  party  delivering  goods  should be different from the other parties. In reference to the audit report,  confidential  accounts have a weak security  system. The system is using out of date technology, and this may lead to unhealthy competition. The company should adopt new technology to enhance secrecy, and  protection  of ideas. Examples of these technologies include biometric security systems, and the  recent  business  solution such as the SAP models. These solutions make use of integrated IT  knowledge  that is free from hacking and other mal-handling. Other areas that  need  concentration are  stock  counting, depreciation and  appreciati on  calculation, and  basis  behind activities such as bonuses, retirement pension, writing off bad-debts, and disposal of assets, among others. Internal controls and the  audit  process Internal controls determine the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Describe and evaluate two treatments of unipolar depression Essay Example for Free

Describe and evaluate two treatments of unipolar depression Essay Describe and evaluate two treatments for unipolar depression (25 marks). It has been believed that psychological disorders, like physical illnesses, have organic causes. Therefore, mental disorders are treated just like physical ones. Earlier treatments have included things like trepanning which was carried out in the stone again. Nowadays we have much safer and effective treatments such as therapies and drug treatment. Low levels of both noradrenaline (nora) and serotonin (sero) have been found as being important in unipolar depression (UD) and so it seems logical to treat depression with drugs which increase the availability of these neurotransmitters. Tricyclic, a type of anti-depressant, appears to work by blocking the reuptake of nora and sero. They block the transport route that would normally allow these neurotransmitters to be taken back into the pre-synaptic neurones. This means that nora and sero remain in the synapse longer which leads to an increase in the synaptic activity in the neurones. This helps the transmission of impulses to neurones which use up nora and sero. Another type of drug treatment is the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs work in a similar way to tricyclics but affect only the levels of serotonin in the synapses. In order to make efficient use of the body’s resources there is a system whereby serotonin isn’t wasted in the synapse but ‘taken back’ by the pre-synaptic neuron. If this mechanism is impaired by using inhibitor drugs then the sero which isn’t received by the post-synaptic neuron remains in the synapse. This extends the duration of the message being transmitted and/or increases the message intensity. Both SSRIs and tricyclics reduce the symptoms of depression and improves mood. However, these drug treatments don’t always work. The success rate for them is around 60% but it varies from person to person, as do the side effects. There is, however, many different types of drug and each may have a  different success rate. It must be remembered that the ‘success’ of drug treatments for one person may be seen as something completely different to another. Kirsch et al collected data for the licensing of four new-generation anti-depressants. These were all SSRIs. A meta-analysis was carried out comparing the improvements seen in patients taking SSRIs with the improvements in control patients who had received placebos. They found that there was ‘no difference at moderate levels of initial depression’ between the improvements of those receiving SSRIs and those receiving placebos. This shows that the placebo appeared to benefit moderately depressed individuals. This could be due to the sufferers being presented with hope of reducing their symptoms. This contrasts with the results found of severely depressed groups who experienced lessened symptoms, which discredits the placebo effect. It could be argued that the drug itself may have a ‘placebo effect’ where a person feels that they are getting better because they are taking a pill, no matter what the pill is. It could be that the person is helping themselves and the drug is simply supplying the idea that they’re getting better when it does nothing to them. Geller et al found that double blind studies showed anti-depressants to be more effective than placebos for children and adolescents. This could be because there are differences in development between children’s and adult’s brains concerning their neurochemistry. Therefore, children and teenagers may not need to use chemistry altering drugs and could just take a placebo instead as they seen to work better than anti-depressants. Furthermore, Ferguson et al found that those treated with SSRIs were twice more likely to attempted suicide than those treated with a placebo. However, a later review found that a higher risk of suicide was amongst adolescents and decreased amongst adults. This supports Geller’s theory that SSRIs are more effective on adults than adolescents, reinforcing Geller’s view. Drugs have been found to be appropriate and effective at preventing relapse and giving the sufferer a good quality of life meaning they can integrate  back into society and return to everyday tasks. Alternatively, research such as Kirsch, Geller and Ferguson is based on correlational studies. This makes it difficult to say whether UD is caused by low levels of neurotransmitters or if it’s visa-versa. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a therapy which treats depression by combining both cognitive and behavioural techniques. The aim of this is to help people who have mental disorders to cope better with their lives and coincidentally feel better. Ellis suggests that depression is due to irrational beliefs but is also maintained by reinforcement. Rational Emotive Behavioural therapy (REBT) aims to replace self-defeating beliefs with adaptive beliefs and uses the ABC model. An example of this is a student getting a good grade for their essay. This is the ‘activating’ of an event. How the person interprets an event or situation is where the ‘belief system’ comes in. The emotional response is then observed which is the ‘consequence’ of the action is. The aim of REBT is to develop a ‘D’ aspect adding a ‘dispute system’ to replace B, adding an adaptive belief, so the person realises they do not have to be perfect. The therapist will ‘test’ patient’s beliefs with actions which challenge their faulty thinking. Often they can be blunt with clients and not show sympathy in order to avoid reinforcing the problem. Cognitive therapy (CT) by Beck involves the use of ‘thought catching’ and ‘behavioural activation’. Thought catching involves the observation of client’s thinking and see how their thoughts influence their feelings. This brings around the realisation that even though their thoughts can seem factual, they are often not. Behavioural activation is where the client is encourage to find activities they might enjoy and put themselves in a position where they may have to deal with ‘cognitive obstacles’ so they can see that they are getting better whilst being active. Butler et al looked at a meta-analyse of the effectiveness of CBT in the treatment of a variety of conditions and found it was ‘somewhat superior to anti-depressants in the treatment of adult depression’. This shows that CBT  is highly effective for treating UD as supporting evidence was found across an entire range of data, making the results more reliable due to the large amount of information covered. However, Holmes reported that in ‘the single largest study’ of treatments for depression, CBT appeared to be less effective than other psychotherapies and drug treatments. It was also pointed out that evidence for the effectiveness of CBT comes from studies of patients who have depression but no other symptoms. This suggests that CBT may be less effective for people who have multiple diagnoses or are considered to have comorbidity. It may be that CBT’s nature is to only focus on one mental illness due to how quick it is compared to other treatments for mental health disorders and therefore isn’t able to relieve all. In conclusion, the diathesis-stress model would suggest that someone is born with a predisposition for UD but something from their environment must trigger it in order for them to suffer from it. Therefore it makes sense that a physiological treatment such as drug therapy should be used alongside a psychological therapy such as REBT in order to ensure that the treatment does in fact work as Holmes’, Geller’s and Ferguson’s research has shown it may not.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Procurement Issues in Construction

Procurement Issues in Construction We refer to your management in taking the opportunity to rebuild three of the Cinnamon Grand hotels in South East of the UK, to a better quality and facilities than before they were destroyed by the bad weather and storm. The rebuild hotels are requiring being in line with the clients policy on architectural significance and aesthetics of the building. The quality of the building is thus a major factor to be considered. As the hotels are situated in the prime location, construction is proved to be a challenge in terms of time factor and accessibility of work. In phase 1, the completion date is critical as the building require to handover by 28th February 2015 and the operation of the hotels for roofs, guest rooms, restaurant, and swimming pools will be made possible. Time is an essence and a procurement route of saving overall design and construction time is priority. Time saving will enable the client to operate the business on time or earlier, therefore reducing the time of closing down business. The planned construction start date at the site is 1st March 2014, and the planned reopening date is schedule on 1st April 2015. Hence, the actual construction period is last than a year. In phase 2, new facilities such as dance studios, health and fitness centre, conference and meeting rooms will be constructed for the enhancement of the health and well-being of the hotel visitors. The Interfacing works such as the integration of the services from phase 1 to phase 2, and the new construction works for phase 2, while the hotels is in operation requires good controls and management skills for the complexity of the work. In consideration of some of the very important points of the above, we have looked into carefully on selecting the most appropriate route to achieve the time, quality and cost of project success. Analysis of the key procurement issues When selecting the procurement routes, the following key issues are considered; Factors outside the control of the project team. Client resources Cost issues Project characteristics. Quality and performance Risk management The need to accommodate changes, variation. Time The client has managed to obtain a substantial finance so as to ensure that the dignity of the building and the services are not compromised from the reconstruction. Hence, the reconstruction quality of the building will not be hinder by much financial difficulty, but the project will have to work strictly within the budget require, to prevent cost over run. The client despite been in the market for their experienced at renovation of buildings, do not have an in-house executive who is either experience enough or is able to devote his time for this project. Therefore, it is important to choose a procurement route to avoid the risk and at the same time with the experience of client and their contact, select those contractors whom have the expertise of working with them previously. This will also help in resolving of quality and design issues. As Cinnamon is highly concerned about project delays and overrun of cost, price certainty at the outset is of great important. Procurement route which enable the client to know the total financial commitment of the project early will provide the solution to this matter. The procurement route can also have guaranteed maximum price to affirm to this. Time and cost is of most important because of the opening of the hotels for business. The selected procurement route must be able to reduce the time for design and construction. This can be done by selecting a procurement route that enables the design and construction to perform concurrently. Thereby, shorten the overall project duration. Shortening the period of project completion allows the client to operate the hotels and back to business at an earlier date. As the clients requirement in terms of architectural and aesthetics of the building to be in line with their policy, and also to improve on the quality, facilities of the new buildings, it will be advisable to consider procurement route that is able to take care of the quality and performance aspect as well. Procurement route that allows the client to choose and appoint a contractor with architectural merits or director is an architect would be a plus for considerations. There is no correlation between procurement method and perceived quality of product. Due to the unavailability of an experience in-house execute form the client; risk allocation to the contractor for the selected procurement route is most important. However, this method of procurement may compromise the risk of the design and quality of the project. Therefore, in order to overcome this setback, selecting of a procurement method that conforms to the sets of employer or clients requirement is necessary and will help in a one way or another. As the client is use to dealing with construction of hotels, and assuming that the new hotels that are to be built will have most of the base designs from the previously built hotels in place, or having little difference , therefore changes in design may not be significant . The short construction duration may also not allow for many changes, as the client will also have to balance between the desire to changes with the earlier time of project completion for business. Most the time the choice of to be back in business earlier or in time will rule out any desire to changes. In phase 1, the completion of the key areas in the hotel such as roofs, guest rooms, restaurant and swimming pools is essential for the operation of the hotels . The timing from the start date on site to the completion of phase 1 is approximately one year which is a very short period. Hence, a selected procure to reduce the project time is critical, if possible start earlier on the construction stage. This can be done by the procurement route which allows the construction stage to be overlapping with the design stage, where both design and construction of the project progress concurrently. In the phase 2, in order for the hotels to enhance the opportunities for health and well- being of the visitors, the new facilities of dance studios, health and fitness centre , conference and meeting rooms is to be built. Here complexity is an important issue due to the incorporating of the high technology multimedia facilities with air-conditioning. The selected procurement route may need to be b ase on the employers requirement which has been incorporated with the name of the specialists. This is one solution of resolving the technical complexity of the project. Appraisal of the procurement routes and selection criteria The design and build procurement route will enable the project to be responsible by solely one contractor whom has the control of the design and the construction process in his ability. A single point of responsibility for design and construction in this aspect is to cover the clients shortfall of an in-house executive who is either experience enough or is able to devote his time to advise on the reconstruction of their properties. As for the Traditional route, the client firm out the whole design with his consultants before construction process begins. The contract is administered by the contract administrator who is normally the clients consultants. It is advantage if the client is experienced and dedicate his/her time in firming out the design with his/her consultants , which is not the case here. Likewise with the Management Contracting route, an inexperienced client or full time client will not be suitable as well. In the DB procurement route, with the whole packaged of design and construction is responsible by a single contractor, therefore the lump sum contract price of the construction can be firmed up easily on the outset which is required by the client for early cost certainty and avoiding of project cost overruns and delays. Time is an essence in the project, the undertaking of the design and construction by a single contractor will also enable to reduce the overall project duration in comparing to the traditional procurement route and most of the risk is with the contractor. Design and construction can be concurrently in progress unlike the traditional procurement which is consecutive in its method and has a longer overall project time and construction may start early as the design work proceed in parallel. Shortening of project time means also to reduce the business downtime. On the whole, time and cost saving of project as compare to traditional procurement route. In the traditional procurement route, the process of procurement is sequential where there is no concurrency. That is, in the preparation stage which is selecting and engaging the consultants to do the Design Brief, follow with the actual design development. Upon confirming the design, the pre-construction stage will kick in to prepare and awarding of the tender. The actual construction stage will only starts after the all the earlier mentioned stages completed and the process of procurement in the preparation, design and pre-construction is lengthy and the overall construction programme duration is being stretch longer. This route will not be appropriate for this project, as the priority of the project should be given for rapid construction which enables the hotels to be opened for business at a specified date. In the traditional procurement route, the design is completed before the contractors is appointed and therefore the design risk is bear by the client. Any requirement by the clients policy in terms of its architectural significance and aesthetic requirement, design and build procurement will allow the client to confirm his design during the preparation and design stage and reducing its cost on the design and changes which may happens in the other procurement route such as construction management when the client has to work with too many parties and design changes may be too many from time to time while the construction is in progress ,thus resulting in too much additional cost and time spent on the whole. The clients direct controls of the project and his involvement in every item have exposed him to a higher risk than the other procurement route, which the clients have had problems with as they have not appreciate the risk associated with control. The overall duration of the project of such procurement route may become longer and no price certainty can be achieved at the outset. In the design and build procurement route, the contractor will be the one developing the design and this will somehow have a high design risk imposed on the project. Therefore, in order to mitigate the problem, the develop and construct procurement route can be used. In this case, the client prepares the clients requirements documents and contractors tender with their proposals and the wining contractors will be appointed with the design content including estimated cost of the project..In this case the appointed contractor then completes and constructs base on the design. The novation of initial design team is required and thus reduces the risk of the design. The relationship between the risk of the client and the contractors can be understood for the tabulation of the Typical Risk Distribution. Proposed procourement From the analysis of the few types of procurement above, design and build type shall the most appropriate in terms of the clients requirement and the overall project characteristic. Design and build procurement route is a single point contact and responsibility that fits perfectly for his lack of resources in terms of experience key person to be full time for the project and the risk of the project can be solely with the contractors. There is a provision in the Contractors Design 81 for the client to nominate an Employers agent whom can be an independent architect acting on behalf of the client and protect his interest that take care of this shortfall. The designs liability by the contracted can be extended to include fitness for purpose, which is a great advantage for the client to exercise. The shortening of project duration from using this method of procurement will also enable the project to complete in time or earlier, thus allowing the hotels to be back in business earlier and the return of investment earlier. The client can also directly and easily communicates with the contractors for his needs. The client has decided to obtain finance of estimated at  £120 million shows that there is a fixed budgeted amount for the project. The nature of the damage of the buildings significantly varies and the amount demolition work may not be certain prior to assessment. The contractor in the design and build procurement route can undertake and be a single point of responsibility for this, therefore, providing price certainty of the project at the outset. The integration of the designers and builders produces a more economic building, likewise is the production process. Buildability is also an advantage in this procurement as the contractors involves in the design at an earlier stage. The nature of design and build procurement route will require the client to make changes at their expense of cost incurred, and careful consideration the short duration of the project and cost budget, allowing for changes becomes less important. The experienced of the client at renovation of buildings will has his network with his pool of consultants, architect, contractors, and hence the client can appoints his consultants to develop the design and novate to the contractors that is awarded for the project. This inherent flexibility is a plus point for this procurement method. In this way, the client is able to adhere and be in line with his policy on the architectural significant and aesthetics of the building. However there is no design overview before consultant is appointed, but this small drawback can easily be resolved by engaging the consultant earlier. This can also overcome the difficulty of the client to prepare adequate brief. The design and build contractor proprietary may lack the aesthetics appeal, the client is able to see the examples of the products when his proposal are being made. The client is able to visualise their needs more readily in three dimensions by moving with and sampling an actual building, then by the study the drawings and specifications. As the client are very established in the markets, the contractors may have work with them before, examining and experiencing some of their pass projects may be more easily gauge on the quality to be built. Conclusion Design and build is an appropriate procurement route for project requires a shorter time frame with priority on cost certainty. The contractors single point responsibility undertakes the risk for the client while at the same time protecting the interest which is favored by most clients. The design brief must be earlier and well prepared to ensure the clients requirement is fully captured with a good design is done. For commercial projects, time and cost is of most important as it means return of investment or business opportunity, to have also the quality and design not compromising in this case is highly commendable in the sense. Other procurement routes may be suitable for projects with different requirements and characteristics on a case to case basis, however design and build is seems to be utmost suitable in this case.

Friday, September 20, 2019


LVMH 1. TASK 01 1.1. INTRODUCTION TO LVMH For this assignment, I ideally considered an organization named LVMH. LVMH LVMH Moà «t Hennessy Louis Vuitton S.A. (Euronext: MC), usually shortened to LVMH, is a French holding company and the worlds largest luxury goods conglomerate. It is the parent of around 60 sub-companies that each manage a small number of prestigious brands These daughter companies are, to a large extent, run autonomously. The group was formed after mergers brought together champagne producer Moà «t et Chandon and Hennessy, a leading manufacturer of cognac. In 1987, they merged with fashion house Louis Vuitton to form the current group The group is controlled by the Christian Dior group, which owns 42.4% of shares and has over 58% of voting rights. Bernard Arnault, majority shareholder of Dior, is Chairman of both companies and CEO of LVMH. His successful integration of various famous aspiration brands into the group has inspired other luxury companies into doing the same. Thus Gucci (now part of the French conglomerate PPR) and Richemont have also created extended portfolios of luxury brands. The oldest of the LVMH brands is wine producer Chà ¢tea dYquem, which dates its origins back to 1593 .( Corporate structure LVMH is based in Paris, France. The company is listed on the Euronext Paris exchange and isa constituent of the CAC 40 index. As of 2008, the group revenues of â‚ ¬17.2 billion with a net income of â‚ ¬2.318 billion. The group currently employs 77,000 people. 30% of LVMHs staff work in France. LVMH operates over 2,300 stores worldwide. Its current business plan aims to tightly control the brands it manages in order to maintain and heighten the perception of luxury relating to their products. For example, Louis Vuitton products are sold only through Louis Vuitton boutiques found in upmarket locations in wealthy cities or in concessions in other luxury goods shops (such as Harrods in London). This practice contrasts greatly with less exclusive brands which can be bought in shopping malls around the world ( Shareholders At the end of 2008, the only declared major shareholder in LVMH was Groupe Arnault, the family holding company of BernardArnault. The groups control amounted to 47.42% of LVMHs stock (with 42.42% held through Christian Dior S.A. and 5.00% held directly) and 63.40% of its voting rights (58.02% by Dior and 5.38% directly). A further 3.4% of shares were declared as treasury stock, with the remainder being free float .( DEPARTMENTS OF LVMH * Wines Spirits * Fashion Leather Goods * Perfumes Cosmetics * Watches Jewelry * Selective retailing (Annual report LVMH-2008) MISION AND VALUES OF LVMH * Be creative and innovate * Aim for product excellence * Bolstertheimageofourbrandswithpassionatedetermination * Act as entrepreneurs  · Strive to be the best in all we do (Annual Report LVMH-2008) Definitions of Human Resource Management Human recourse management is a strategic and coherent approach to the management of organizations most valued assets: the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of its objectives. (Michael Armstrong, a Hand book of Human Resource Management 2003) The HRM models are 1. The Matching model of HRM 2. Harvard model of HRM 3. Best practice model 4. The contingency model 5. Guest model of HRM 6. Warwick model of HRM 7. Storey model of HRM We can use Matching Model for LVMH Models of HRM 1. The matching model The Michigan model is also known as the matching model or best-fit approach to human resource management. In essence, it requires that human resource strategies have a tight fit to the overall strategies of the business. As such, it limits the role of HR to a reactive, organizational function and under-emphasizes the importance of societal and other external factors. For example, it is difficult to see how the current concern for work life balance could be integrated into this model. Fombrun et al identified four common HR processes performed in every organization: * Selection: matching people to jobs * Appraisal of performance * Rewards: emphasizing the real importance of pay and other forms of compensation in achieving results * Development of skilled individuals These processes are linked in a human resource cycle. The matching model has attracted criticism. At a conceptual level, it is seen to depend on a rational, mechanical form of organizational decision-making. In reality, strategies are often determined and operational zed on a more intuitive, political and subjective level. Certainly, the decision-making is more complex than the model allows. It is also both prescriptive and normative, implying that the fit to business strategy should determine HR strategy (Bratton, J.,Gold, J., Human Resource Management p-18)) Resource based Strategy The resource-based view of strategy is that the strategic capability of a firm depends on its resource based capability. Resource-based strategy theorists such as Barney (1991) argue that stained competitive advantage stems from the acquisitions and effective use of bundles of distinctive resources that competitors cannot imitate. As Boxall (1996) comments; ‘competitive success does not come simply from making choices in the present; it stems from building up distinctive capabilities over significant periods of time. Teece et al (1997) define ‘dynamic capabilities as ‘the capacity of a firm to renew, augment and adapt its core competencies over time. (Michael Armstrong,2000, Strategic Human Resource Management, p-33) Best Practice The ‘best practice rubric has been attacked by a number of commentators. Cappeelli and Crocker-Hefter (1996) comment that the notion of single set of best practices has been over stated: There are examples in virtually every industry of firms that have very distinctive management practices. We argue hat these distinctive human resource practices hlp to create unique competencies that differentiate products and services and, in turn, drive competencies that determine how firms complete. Purcell (1999) has also criticized the best practice or universalist view by pointing out the inconsistency between a belief in best practice and the resource based view, which focuses on the intangible assets including HR, that allow the firm to do better than its competitors. He asks how can ‘the universalism of best practice be squared with the view that only some resources and routines are important and valuable by being rare and imperfectly imitable?. The danger, as Legge (1995) points out, is that of ‘mchanistically matching strategy with HRM policies and practices. Accordance with contingency theory, it is difficult to accept that there is any such thing as universal best practice. What works well in one organization will not necessary work well in another because it may not fit its strategy, culture, management style, technology or working practices. As Becker et al (1997) remark: ‘organizational high-performance work systems are highly idiosyncratic and must be tailored carefully to each firms individual situation to achieve optimum results. (Michael Armstrong, 2000, Strategic Human Resource Management, p-65) Best Fit For the reason given above, it is accepted by most commentators that ‘best fitis more important than ‘best practice. There can be no universal prescriptions for HRM policies and practices. It all depends. This is not easy to say that ‘good practice, ie practice that does well in one environment, should be ignored. Benchmarking has its uses as a means of identifying areas for innovation or development that are practiced to good effect elsewhere. But having learned about what works and, ideally, what does not work in comparable organizations, it is up to the firm to decide what may be relevant in general terms and what lessons can be learnt and adapted to fit its particular strategic and operational requirements. The starting point should be an analysis of the business needs of the firm within its context (culture, structure, technology and processes). This may indicate clearly what has to be done. Thereafter, it may be useful to pick and mix various ‘best pract ice ingredients and develop an approach that applies those that are appropriate in a way that is aligned to the identified business needs. But there are problems with the best-fit approach, as pointed out by Purecell(1999) who, having rubbished the concept of best practice, proceeded to do the same for the notion of best fit: Meanwhile, the search for a contingency or matching model of HRM is also limited by the impossibility of modeling all the contigent variables, the difficulty of showing their interconnection, and the way in which changes in one variable have an impact on others. In Purcells view, organizations should be less concerned with best fit and best practice and much more sensitive to processes of organizational change so that they can ‘avoid being trapped in the logic of rational choice. (Michael Armstrong, 2000, Strategic Human Resource Management, p-66 ) Human Resource Management VS Personal Management Human resource management was first known as personnel management. However the present status of the field of human resource management has been achieved after years of evaluating development. In personnel management people were manage stick administration but in human resource management people are consider resources, develop people and get them to manage them self. Organizations now consider the human resource as a resource that could be developed rather than just be managed. Personnel management is more administrative in nature, dealing with pay roll, compiling with employment law and handling related task. Human resources on the other hand are responsible for managing the work force as one of the primary recourses that contribute to the success of the organization. Personnel management manages people by strict administrative system but human resource management considers people as a resource that can be; Train and developed persons. Personnel management is less concentration on employees future potential and getting the best from employees through training, development and motivation. but other hand of human resource management identifies employees potential, areas for improvement, strength and weaknesses identifies training needs and trains them achieves result through motivation and job satisfaction. Human Resource Management from a strategic perspective and its implications for the role of the line managers and employees Human resource management is very important to build up relationship between line managers and employees. Below I mentioned area of covering strategic human resource activities. * Policy making. * Designing and developing human resource strategies. * Contributing to the corporate plan of the organization. * Integrating human resource activities to the main purpose of the organization. * Job evaluation. * Salary administration. * Incentives and benefits. * Grievances handling. 1.2. APPLY GUEST MODEL OF HUMAN RESORCE MANAGEMENT TO LVMH LVMH using human resource management functions for build up their business. Especially they apply guest model for following functions. They are using human resource strategy for innovation the company. Regularly they check other retailers of the market. After that they focus their business for current market. Normally they evaluate the cost of product. Some time they control the unnecessary cost per product. eg; they searching current market and stopping over production Human resource management practices; LVMH specially using human resource practices for recruitments. They are choosing correct person for correct job category. They offered training period for new employees. Always management evaluating employees and giving rewards for them. eg; bonus Human resource outcomes; They always get ideas from customers and offers range of options for flexible working. eg; part time work, career break Behaviour outcomes; The management always evaluating workers and motivate them. It has good team workers. Every time they corporate with others and helping them. Performance outcome; LVMH evaluate everybody performance and using some human resource practices for increase productivity. Human resource department discuss with employees and this time reduce their absenteeism and labor turn over. Critically evaluate the Guest model of human resource management Human resource management is deferent from traditional personnel management. However, Guest has acknowledged that the concept of commitment is messy and that the relationship commitment and high performance is difficult to establish. The strength of the guest model is that it clearly maps out the field of human resource management and classifies the input and comes. The model is useful for examining the key goals usually associated with the normative models of human resource management; strategic integration, commitment, flexibility and quality. 2. TASK 02 2.1. Aim/Purpose: Why have a Strategy? To set the context for learning and development within the LVMH to answer the questions that staff, managers, and customers might have: * Why is learning and development important? * How does learning ‘fit in with staff roles, delivery of key services? * What does the LVMH mean by learning and development? How do staff and managers make sure they have the learning they need? The aim of this strategy is to provide a practical map and guide of how learning and development supports the work of the LVMH, at an individual, team and organizational level. The strategy aims to set out the current aims and objectives and also map the future so that there is a ‘vision of how learning and development will support the LVMH both now and in the future across Provider and Commissioning. The purpose then is to provide a framework for learning for LVMH which will: * Set out the LVMHs commitment to providing learning and development for all staff * Ensure that staff are equipped with appropriate skills, experience and support to enable them to continue to provide high quality care and services * Ensure that processes are in place for staff to achieve their potential and that individual contributions are valued and acted upon * Ensure that staff identify training needs and undertake appropriate training as part of their role and that training needs are identified at an individual, team and organisational level * Ensure that high quality training and development is commissioned as needed * Effective learning and development processes and systems are in place that are accessible and clear. 2.2. Supporting the LVMH to deliver its strategic aims and objectives The LVMHs key strategic aims are to: Engage with the target customers and their needs. Commission a full and equitable range of high quality, responsive and efficient services, within allocated resources, across all service sectors. Directly provide high quality responsive and efficient services where this gives best value. The achievements of the strategic aims are supported by a set of key values. LVMH values are the qualities, standards and principles that the LVMH believes will help it and its staff to succeed. The values are: Be creative and innovate Aim for product excellence Bolstertheimageofourbrandswithpassionate determination Act as entrepreneurs Strive to be the best in all we do 2.3. Core principles for Learning and Development across the LVMH: * To provide opportunities for learning, high value of skills about international marketing, personal development and skills enhancement at all levels. There is a need to widen participation to ensure lower band staff have the development they need * To encourage continuous learning and space for innovation and creating something new so that services are adapted and improved as a result of learning * To be more than fit for purpose but in pursuit of excellence * Endorse the principles of becoming a Learning Organisation * Identify a systematic process and framework for identifying, planning, delivering and evaluating learning and development at an individual, team and organisational level * Support and develop a culture that encourages confidence, motivation and creativity in staff allowing them to be innovative, take risks and realise their full potential * Ownership of learning and development by individual members of staff so that they can see the value of learning and how it will support them * Staff are our ‘customers. The learning and Development team need to ensure that effective feedback and quality assurance processes are in place * To be able to measure success The strategy should: * Mean something to staff and Managers, be ‘live and real and practical, mapping the current and future picture and progress * Be organic in that the Learning and Development team continually assess and change the strategy and vision through its own learning * The Learning and Development strategy should strengthen and be integral to the LVMH organisational objectives and performance management frameworks * Identify localised examples. 2.4. Learning and Development: Strategic Aims and Objectives To Meet PCT Commissioner and Provider Strategic Aims, Values and Vision Ensure staffs are working safely and competently and have the skills and knowledge they need to deliver high quality services: * Deliver first class Induction * Provide high quality marketing Training * Ensure all staff are attending Statutory /Mandatory training * Ensure store Supervision systems, training is in place * Develop IT skills of our staff Support the LVMH to develop the workforce of the future: * Work with Provider and Commissioning Directorates to support development of LVMH into the future * To work with HR and OD Director to embed values of the LVMH through education and training systems and processes * Support the development of new roles * Identify training and development for new services as they are developed * Support the workforce planning agenda Support the LVMH in the delivery of its Inequalities Agenda * To ensure integrated working with Public * Ensure Equality monitoring and performance targets are met * To provide an equality and diversity training programme for all staff * Complete an Equality Impact Assessment on the Learning and Development function * Develop systems to include staff feedback into improving learning and development within the LVMH Develop first class leaders and managers within the Provider and Commissioning arms of the LVMH * Identify management and leadership strategy for all managers at appropriate bands * Delivery of in house leadership programme * Develop a management skills programme, identify skills / competencies for Managers * Develop and provide Team Leader Training * Support Managers to access external management and leadership programmes as appropriate * Develop mentoring, coaching and shadowing for staff * Provide training and support for Managers in Skills Knowledge to manage change efficiency and confidentially Delivering high quality, innovative and creative learning opportunities Support the LVMH to become a learning organisation and embed the philosophy of the teaching lvmh * Promote the principles and philosophy of the learning organisation and the teaching LVMH * Embed the learning culture * Encourage new ways of learning, training, e-learning * Support the organizational development agenda * Develop work with neighboring LVMHs Ensure accessible and excellent high quality training, learning and development provision is in place * Develop the LVMHeducation and training team and service * Commission training and development, both now and in the future * Development of ‘self service training administration system * Ensure effective systems and processes are in place * Development of Learning Centres and accessible ways of learning Develop a Quality Assurance framework for Learning and Development * Demonstrate the value of learning within the organisation * Benchmark against competitors * Develop measurable standards for learning and development processes * Ensure robust data collection and reporting * Develop a system for feedback from staff, partners ‘customers * Quality assurance, monitoring, evaluation systems put in place eg. i. Train the trainer, standards of delivery for trainers ii. Contracts for external trainers iii Staff and partner organizations iv Staff questionnaire/feedback Use existing resources creatively and plan resourcing for the future such as * LVMH training budget * Income generation * Sponsorship / grants 2.5. Standards Service Standards will be included for each strategic objective and identified in the work programme. 2.6. Responsibilities / accountability: Training Governance All members of staff have a responsibility for their own learning and development, supported by Managers and the Learning and Development Team. For detailed guidance on roles and responsibilities on identifying learning and development 2.7. Success Criteria: benchmarking, quality assurance processes: How will we measure Progress and Achievement? * Through regular reviews of the Work Programme * On going consultation with staff * Evaluation and collation of feedback 2.8. Review and Monitoring Quarterly review of strategy and work programme may monitor by Human Resources Committee. 3. TASK 03 3.1. RECRUITMENT Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm. For some components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations often retain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. The recruitment industry has five main types of agencies: employment agencies, recruitment websites and job search engines, headhunters for executive and professional recruitment, niche agencies which specialize in a particular area of staffing and in-house recruitment. The stages in recruitment include sourcing candidates by advertising or other methods, and screening and selecting potential candidates using tests or interviews. (Armstrong, Michael (2006). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice) SELECTION Selection is the process used to identify and hire individuals or groups of individuals to fill vacancies within an organization. Often based on an initial job analysis, the ultimate goal of personnel selection is to ensure an adequate return on investmentin other words, to make sure the productivity of the new hire warrants the costs spent on recruiting and training that hire. Several screening methods exist that may be used in personnel selection. Examples include the use of minimum or desired qualifications, resume/application review, oral interviews, work performance measures (e.g., writing samples), and traditional tests (e.g., of job knowledge). The field of personnel selection has a long history and is associated with several fields of research and application, including human resources and industrial psychology. Recruitment and Selection of LVMH They are based on higher requirements for professionalism in the evaluation and selection methods, while offering candidates a unique experience that gives them useful feedback for their professional development. Not only are technical skills assessed, but also the ability to produce and communicate results, the ability to work in a group, the ability to have a strategic vision while knowing how to make a daily commitment and, finally, the potential to become an enterprising leader motivated by a desire for ongoing improvement. Assessment of these aspects is made by LVMH group managers through interviews as well as individual and group role plays. At the end of this intensive day, whatever the result, each candidate receives several in-depth analyses to assist him or her in understanding how he or she was perceived and the contents of the assessment. Essential of international recruitment of LVMH Sustained development of all LVMH activities enabled multiple jobs to be created in 2008 across the Groups companies and brands: Wines Spirits, Fashion Leather Goods, Perfumes Cosmetics, Watches Jewellery, and Selective Retailing. LVMH has 77,087 employees worldwide, with the average number of employees over the fiscal year up 9.5% compared to the previous year. Through its policy of selling products with the â€Å"made in France† label, LVMH ensures that industrial jobs are maintained in France. The breakdown of the Groups workforce by geographical region is stable and balanced. 74% of the workforce is employed abroad, essentially in the distribution networks of Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, and North and South America. Workforce of LVMH by geographic region 26% France 19,737 22% Rest of Europe 17,226 22% United States 16,723 6% Japan 4,929 19% Rest of Asia 14,831 5% Other markets 3,641 Total 77,087 (Source; LVMH Annual report-2008) There are 74% of employees working internationally. Therefore international recruitment is important to LVMH. They are expecting a personal development within a professional, responsible team in the organization. identifying with the values of a company is a major element in attracting and motivating the men and women who join LVMH and invest themselves in the Group. The Group presents its corporate responsibility policy during the initial contact with candidates, for example during recruitment forums. The explanation of this policy is part of the integration process. The prevention of psycho-social risks in their orientation manuals or employee manuals, like DFS Group, Fendi or Glenmorangie. However they have consider the expectations and motivation of the teams. Access and continued employment for older employees is also a constant concern, consistent both with the Groups policy on diversity and with its International Recruitment at LVMH Here LVMH can find a step-by-step guide to recruitment. International Recruitment Deployment e follow the extensive International Recruitment process as follows: Stage 1:Advertisement using print media and internet including job display on our Job portal Stage 2: Screening of applications received in response to advertisement. Stage 3: Short listing, scrutinizing data according to the skills, knowledge and aptitude desired for the job. Stage 4: Test Interviews Stage 5:Selection Stage 6:Reference Check Stage 7:Completing the Visa/Administrative Process following the acceptance of Job offer by the candidate. Stage 8:Travel arrangement and deployment of the candidate to job location. ( Selection Methods (Tests, Exercise, Presentations) The most popular selection method is Interviewing ; however the decision making process at Interviewing panel stage will be improved if information additional to that obtained from the application form, CVs, references (for academic and research posts) and interview is available. It is therefore desirable that the selection process includes an additional selection exercise/test. This should be designed to gather information about the ability of short-listed candidates to carry out the specific duties of the post by testing aspects of the Person Specification, which cannot easily be evaluated by an interview or reference. Some examples of selection exercises are given below, all of these would need to be carried out in accordance with good practice in Equal Opportunities: In setting up and running selection exercises the following principles should be followed: Nature of Post: Selection Exercise: Research posts Candidates could be asked to deliver a seminar, give a departmental presentation or write a report Posts that require supervisors skills Candidates could be asked to take part in a supervisory role play General: The assessment of performance from selection tests must be made on a predetermined set of factors, rather than vague generalizations, using set criteria will enable an objective assessment of the test set; There should be a clear understanding of what is being tested and what status the test/exercise has within the overall selection process; If the test/exercise involves using a software package, experience of using that specific software package must have been included in the selection criteria for the post; The test/exercise must be designed to provide an equal opportunity for each candidate to demonstrate his/her abilities, in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Employment Policy; Where appropriate, selection tests/exercises must be adapted for a candidate with a disability. For further guidance on this the Recruitment Manager or HR Manager should be contacted; The test/exercise must be properly planned in advance with each candidate given full information on what is involved and sufficient time for any preparation required; The test/exercise must not be biased in favor of internal candidates, i.e. it should test basic principles in relation to the post, not knowledge of internal procedures; The information gathered from a selection exercise will only relate to a limited number of the overall requirements of the post and the results must be judged in this context. However, if an essential criterion for the post is being tested e.g. numeracy and the required standard for the test is not met then the results must not be ignored; Objective criteria should be used to score the test that has been set and all information relating to the test should be reported in a standard and consistent format to Interviewing panel. If there are any factors which may have influenced a candidates performance e.g. inter